Law firms in Kerala

There are many law firms in Kochi which one can contact in case they have any queries in creating a contract. 3 min

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There are many law firms in Kochi which one can contact in case they have any queries in creating a contract. A contract is a very crucial document and one must have basic knowledge before signing such a document. 

Let’s look at some of the basic information by top lawyers in Kerala as of now regarding a contract.

"An agreement that can be enforced by law" is the definition in the Indian Contract Law of 1872 in section 2(h). In other words, a contract is anything that can be agreed upon and enforced by the law of the land.

In a contract, at least two parties are involved. The contracting parties should comply with the terms and conditions mentioned in their signed contract act and, in the event of any breach, the complaining party can bring remedies before the Court.

The contract document shows the rights and obligations of the parties involved in the contract. In India, the Indian Contract Act of 1872 regulates contract laws. It defines various contract laws and should be complied with by all the parties intending to create a contract. 

These are the following: 


For a valid contract, this is an important ingredient. One party should be offered by another one. The person making the offer is known as the 'offeror' and the other one receiving is the ‘offeree’.


An acceptance of the offer should be given. If one party offers, it must be accepted by the other party for enforceability.


There should be some consideration for the contract if a contract is to be enforceable and valid. Consideration means anything in exchange. An agreement is a bare promise and cannot be binding on the parties without consideration.

4.Intention to create legal relations

A legal relationship should be established by the contracting parties. This does not represent a valid contract if such an intention is not present.

5. Certainty

Certainness in a valid contract is an important ingredient. The terms and conditions of the contract should be certain and no ambiguity should exist.


Section 11 of Act 1872 of the Indian Contract defines the parties to a contract. A party in the contract shall be eligible to participate in a contract.

It is very necessary to understand what makes a contract valid before the law. As practiced by the law firms in Kerala, there are some ingredients that are vital for making a contract valid, and those who are a part of any contract which is void, suffer a lot as it makes the contract invalid before the law and they suffer all the losses. 

A void contract is a contract that isn't legally enforceable; starting from the time it was created. While both a void and voidable contract are null, a void contract cannot be ratified. In front of the law, a void contract is treated as ifit was never created and becomes unenforceable in court.

If you are thinking of consulting a lawyer then John Mani V is someone who can guide you and help you out with the situation. John Mani V is one of the famous advocates in Kerala who has been successful in gaining a rich experience in this field and has been able to set up a team in Kochi where he has associates who provide excellent legal services to local and global clients with superior results, serving to domestic and international customers. 

His law firm is dedicated to its domestic and international clients in the area of legal services. They have a versatile and efficient team of specially trained advocates who arefamous advocates in Kerala high courthaving unique experiences in their specific field of law.

 His team provides legal services for civil and family criminal cases. Their lawyers offer their clients extensive legal services under any area of law and before any court of law.

There are many lawyers in Kerala and let me tell you it is not an easy affair to be an advocate without experience. John Mani V understands the fears and doubts clients face and has been successful in hand-holding them so that they lead their lives peacefully.

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