Protect your keeping your business safe for both employees and customers with Commercial Mold Testing . Choose Bayareamoldpros to handle your commercial mold testing, you’ll find us to be one of the most thorough and advanced mold inspection companies in the San Francisco. In addition to performing a comprehensive visual inspection of your commercial property, we also use thermal imaging as well as other sensitive mold detection techniques. We gather samples and test them using advanced modern methods in certified labs. We are a fully licensed, insured and Certified Mold Inspection Services company. We have more than a decade of experience in our field. If you suspect you have mold growing in your commercial property call us at (650) 762-6228 now to schedule your commercial mold Inspection and testing appointment!Get mold testing written report containing recommendations, at one fair price of $495! No hidden fees or extra costs. To get a free quote on a mold inspection and testing today visit